NANO Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG serisi Nano teknolojisi ile üretilmiÅŸ, 2 ağızlı küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BSZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi kısa kanallı 2 ağızlı küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4BSZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 4 ağızlı küresel parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Küresel Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BNZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi kalın gövdeli ince uçlu 2 ağızlı küresel parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2RZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 2 ağızlı köşe radüslü parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 4 ağızlı köşe radüslü parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2Z
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi ince uçlu 2 ağızlı mikro parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3Z
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 3 ağızlı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4Z
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 4 ağızlı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2XZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 2 ağızlı uzun kanallı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4XZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 4 ağızlı uzun kanallı parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2NZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 2 ağızlı ince boyunlu kalın saplı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:6Z
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 6 ağızlı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:6XZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 6 ağızlı uzun ÅŸaftlı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Helis Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2CZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 2 ağızlı yüksek helis tipi parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

NANO Helis Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3CZ
  • Uygulama:NANO Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:NMG nano serisi 3 ağızlı helis tipi parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RSW
  • Uygulama:SMG SERIES
  • Açıklama:Köşe radüslü Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain (SMG)
  • Açıklama:Süper mikro grain karbür küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BEW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:Carbide Ball End Mills
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (konik)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BGW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:Konik boyunlu SMG Karbür Küresel Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BMW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 2 ağızlı Karbür mikro uçlu Küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BQW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:SMG Karbür Küresel Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (ince uçlu)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BNW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:Kalın gövdeli uzun ÅŸaftlı küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2RTW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:Köşe radüslü 2 ağızlı parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RTW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:Köşe radüslü 4 ağızlı Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RTPW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:Köşe radüslü 4 ağızlı Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RLW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi Köşe Radüslü Uzun Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2TW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 2 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4TW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 4 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2MTW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 2 ağızlı düz mikro uçlu Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (ince uçlu)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2NTW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 2 ağızlı kalın gövdeli uzun ÅŸaftlı Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:6TW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 6 ağızlı düz Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:6RTW
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 6 ağızlı köşe radüslü parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BY
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 2 ağızlı küresel freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4BY
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 4 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4Y
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 4 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3Y
  • Uygulama:Super Micro Grain
  • Açıklama:SMG serisi 3 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2DMOT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi ince uçlu 2 ağızlı düz Karbür Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2MT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı düz mikro uçlu Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:6T
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 6 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2LT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı uzun ÅŸaftlı düz parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4LT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı düz uzun ÅŸaftlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2T
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4T
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2KT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4KT
  • Uygulama:Super Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun helis)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2TX
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı düz uzun helisli karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun helis)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4TX
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı düz uzun helisli karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2RT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı köşe radüslü Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4RT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı köşe radüslü Parmak Freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Köşe Radüslü Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2LRT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı uzun saplı köşe radüslü karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Kaba TalaÅŸ Frezesi

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4AT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı kaba talaÅŸ parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Sık Helisli Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3PT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 3 ağızlı sık helis tipi parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2NT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi kalın gövdeli uzun ÅŸaftlı 2 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4NT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi kalın gövdeli uzun ÅŸaftlı 4 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (konik)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2GT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi konik baÅŸlı 2 ağızlı karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze (konik)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2GTX
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı konik uçlu karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2B
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4B
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 ağızlı küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BK
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 ağızlı küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:4BK
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 4 a??zl? küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (mikro)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BM
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? mikro uçlu küresel parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BE/BF/BH
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? uzun küresel parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BD
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? k?sa uçlu küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze (uzun)

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BN
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 uçlu uzun a??zl? küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BC
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? küresel karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2CTP
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2CT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Parmak Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3CT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 3 a??zl? düz karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:3CRT
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 3 a??zl? kö?e radüslü karbür parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Küresel Freze

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:2BCKN
  • Uygulama:Micro Grain Carbide
  • Açıklama:MG serisi 2 a??zl? uzun ?aftl? küresel parmak freze
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:CC
  • Açıklama:Aç?l? K?rlang?ç Freze, aç?l? kanallar için maksimum performans, mükemmel yüzey kalitesi ile problemsiz i?ler ç?karan bir tak?md?r.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:SCS
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

Karbür Freze Tak?mlar?

  • Marka:BEWISE
  • Kod:TSS
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSTNB20
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, TAPER NECK BACK DRAFT TYPE -If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. -Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. -In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?2”, and should also be referred to
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSTNB30
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, TAPER NECK BACK DRAFT TYPE - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?2”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSTNR
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, TAPER NECK BACK DRAFT TYPE - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?2”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSLNB
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG NECK - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSLNR
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG NECK BACK DRAFT TYPE - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?2”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSLNS20
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG NECK - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?2”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSLNS40
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, LONG NECK - If the workpiece has draft angle, the interference length will be longer than the L2. - Please refer to the effective neck length for the various draft angles. - In addition, the angle at which the tool will interfere with the workpiece is shown as the “interference angle ?”, and should also be referred to.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZS1(2)04
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS BROKEN INDEX - The impacting debut of new type endmill for high hardened steels up to HRc70 and high speed machining up to 200m/min. - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F unequal index geometry. - Longer tool life over 50% as reducing chatter and resonance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZS204
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS BROKEN INDEX - The impacting debut of new type endmill for high hardened steels up to HRc70 and high speed machining up to 200m/min. - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F unequal index geometry. - Longer tool life over 50% as reducing chatter and resonance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? High Feed Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZSPM4
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, with EXTENDED NECK - High Speed & High feed rates. - The wide pitch can reduce cycle time compare to conventional ball endmill. - Straight flute design minimized corner radius breakage. - Back draft type can avoid to create chatter & deflection.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB702
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, BALL NOSE With EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw material and new coating. - Excellent workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

?ki A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB712
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, BALL NOSE -Designed to machine high hardened material up to HRc 70. -Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. -Excellent workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB703
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, BALL NOSE for FINISHING DIE & MOLD - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Excellent workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB734
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, TAPER NECK, FINISHING DIE & MOLD - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Excellent workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE702
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, With EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Corner radius against chipping in high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE704
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, With EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Corner radius against chipping in high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 & 6 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Finish Frezesi

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE724(6)
  • Açıklama:4 & 6 FLUTE, FINISHING for DIE & MOLD - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Corner radius(below 0.05) against chipping in high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR702
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS With EXTENDED NECK - Applied various corner “R” and effected length. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

?ki A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR732
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS with LONG SHANK -Applied various corner “Radius” and effected length. -Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR704
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Applied various corner “R” and effected length. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR714
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX FINISHING DIE & MOLD - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating. - Can be reduced cycle time as finishing machining of 2XD.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR724
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS With LONG SHANK - Applied various corner “R” and effected length. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR734
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS with LONG SHANK -Applied various corner “Radius” and effected length. -Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

6 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR706
  • Açıklama:6 FLUTE, 45? HELIX STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Applied various corner “R” and effected length. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

6 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR736
  • Açıklama:6 FLUTE, 45°HELIX, LONG SHANK, CORNER RADIUS -Applied various corner “Radius” and effected length. -Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE712
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, 35? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE714
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

6 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE716
  • Açıklama:6 FLUTE, 50? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine high hardened materials up to HRc 70. - Suitable for dry cutting & high speed cutting due to newly developed raw-material and new coating.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB412
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, 15? HELIX STUB CUT LENGTH, BALL NOSE with EXTENDED NECK - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 62. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE512
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, 35? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 62. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE514
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 62. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

6 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE516
  • Açıklama:6 FLUTE, 50? HELIX REGULAR LENGTH - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 62. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB602
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, for RIB PROCESSING - Designed for machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Long neck design for deep machining near walls.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE602
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, for RIB PROCESSING - Designed for machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Long neck design for deep machining near walls.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRB4...-..-050
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER BALL ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used as a copy milling tool. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRB4...-..-075
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER BALL ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used as a copy milling tool. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRB4...-..-100
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER BALL ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used as a copy milling tool. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRB4...-..-150
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER BALL ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used as a copy milling tool. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRB4...-..-200
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER BALL ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used as a copy milling tool. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-050
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-075
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-100
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-150
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-200
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

Çok A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TPRE4...-..-300
  • Açıklama:MULTIPLE FLUTES - TAPER ENDMILLS for RIB PROCESSING - Rigid taper end mill for highly productive rib processing. - Can also be used for side milling operation. ?Taper Tolerance : ±10?
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:XE504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F broken index geometry. - The unique patented design decrease chatter and resonance, can achieve a Axial Depth 1XD.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:XR504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F broken index geometry. - Corner radius against chipping in high performance maching.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:XE514
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH with EXTENDED NECK - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F broken index geometry - The unique patented design decrease chatter and resonance, can achieve a Axial Depth 1XD * corner chamfer type(45 x 0.05~0.15)
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:XE524
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH with EXTENDED LONG NECK - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F broken index geometry - The unique patented design decrease chatter and resonance, can achieve a Axial Depth 1XD * corner chamfer type(45 x 0.05~0.15)
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:XR514
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - High precision and excellent surface due to each 4F broken index geometry - Applied various corner radius.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB402
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, SHORT LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB512
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB514
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, BALL NOSE with EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling. - Designed to high strength.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB522
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, EXTENDED NECK-LONG SHANK - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling. - Suitable for deep copy milling with long neck type.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB532
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, MMC-SPHERE TYPE - For copy milling & steep sloped machining in mold & die. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB534
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, MMC-SPHERE TYPE - For copy milling & Steep sloped machining in Mold & Die. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Dalma Boyu Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB54(5)2
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, BALL NOSE with TAPER NECK - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling. - Suitable for deep copy milling with taper long neck type.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE503
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

6 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE506
  • Açıklama:6 FLUTE, REGULAR & LONG LENGTH - Designed for highly hardened materials up to HRc 55. - Suitable for high speed & finishing machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZM502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, MEDIUM LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZM504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, MEDIUM LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZM522
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, MEDIUM CUT LONG SHANK TYPE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZM524
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, MEDIUM CUT LONG SHANK TYPE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE522
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE524
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE534
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, EXTRA LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR512
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR514
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR522
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR524
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes. - Increased feed rate.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TE503
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, TAPER END MILL - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TB503
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, TAPER BALL END MILL - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TB504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, TAPER BALL END MILL - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3~6 A??z Aras? Kaba Tala? Frezesi

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZF60
  • Açıklama:3~6 FLUTE, ROUGHING & FINISHING END MILL - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - ALTiN coated for high wear resistance. - Rough & finish type.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3~5 A??z Aras? Kaba Tala? Frezesi

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZF61
  • Açıklama:3~5 FLUTE, ROUGHING END MILL - FINE Pitch DIN6527L / DIN6535-HA, DIN6535-HB - Designed for machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other highly hardened materials. - High velocity milling of hardened steels. - For dry and wet milling. - Fast chip ejection.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Kaba Tala? Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:PK503
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, Z - AXIS ROUGHING END MILL - Reducing cycle time by 1 pass operating from Z-axis to slotting. - Preventing the working interruption as Neck type.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Dalma Boyu Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB302
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, for RIB PROCESSING - Designed for machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other highly hardened materials. - Substitution of EDM.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Dalma Boyu Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE302
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, for RIB PROCESSING - Designed for machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other highly hardened materials. - Long neck design for deep machining near walls.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB312
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Suitable for copy milling.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Dalma Boyu Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DB342
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, BALL NOSE with TAPER NECK - High efficiency milling is possible in deep slotting with projection of the end mill being long.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE302
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE304
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE322
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG & EXTRA LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZE324
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, LONG & EXTRA LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR322
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel mold steel and other high hardened materials. - TiALN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR324
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel mold steel and other high hardened materials. - TiALN coated for high wear resistance.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR304H
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 45. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Ekstra Uzun Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZR324H
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with LONG SHANK - Designed for high hardened materials up to HRc 45. - Suitable for high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX302
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Excellent high-performance Endmills.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX304
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Excellent high-performance Endmills.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX304H
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, 45? HELIX, REGULAR LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Excellent high-performance Endmills.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB302
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - For copy-milling machines.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB304
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? K?sa Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX202
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, SHORT LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX222
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? K?sa Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX204
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, SHORT LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TX224
  • Açıklama:FLUTE, LONG LENGTH - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB202
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - For copy-milling machines.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB222
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB232
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG REACH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - For copy-milling machines.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:TXB204
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH, BALL NOSE - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, mold steel and other high hardened materials. - Superior workpiece finishes.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:DS502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, BALL NOSE REGULAR & LONG LENGTH - Suitable for Stainless steel, Titanium, Inconel.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:SM503
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Suitable for Stainless steel, Titanium, Inconel.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:SM504
  • Açıklama:4 FLUTE, REGULAR LENGTH - Suitable for Stainless steel, Titanium, Inconel. - Broken Index Type.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 & 6 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Finish Frezesi

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:ZF62
  • Açıklama:4~6 FLUTE, ROUGHING END MILL DIN6527 / DIN6535-HA, DIN6535-HB - Designed to machine tool steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and other low hardness materials. - Fast chip ejection.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:BC502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, BALL NOSE with EXTENDED NECK - Suitable for copper & non-ferrous material.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:RC502
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT LENGTH, CORNER RADIUS with EXTENDED NECK - Suitable for copper & non-ferrous material.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:G Series
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, DIAMOND COATING BALL NOSE - High performance on graphite, wrought aluminum, bakelite, plastics, wood, brass etc.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:GE Series
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, DIAMOND COATING END MILL - High performance on graphite, wrought aluminum, bakelite, plastics, wood, brass etc.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AE302
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, LONG LENGTH - for Aluminum
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AE30(2)3
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, LONG & EXTRA LONG LENGTH - for Aluminum
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AB302
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT BALL NOSE - for Aluminum - Excellent cutting qualities on aluminum & copper.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AB312
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, STUB CUT BALL NOSE - for Aluminum - Excellent cutting quality on aluminum & copper.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AR502
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:2 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS, LONG LENGTH, D.L.C. COATING - Suitable for aluminium, aluminium alloy, copper & non-ferrous material. - Corner radius against chipping in high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Kö?e Radüslü Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AR503
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:3 FLUTE, CORNER RADIUS, LONG LENGTH, D.L.C. COATING - Suitable for aluminium, aluminium alloy, copper & non-ferrous material. - Corner radius against chipping in high speed machining.
  • Detaylı Bilgi

3 A??zl? Kaba Tala? Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:AF303
  • Uygulama:Aluminium
  • Açıklama:FLUTE, ROUGHING END MILL - for Aluminum DIN6527L / DIN6535-HA, DIN6535-HB
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

2 A??zl? Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:B302
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:BL422
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:B304
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

2 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:EB302
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:EB304
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:EB322
  • Detaylı Bilgi

4 A??zl? Uzun Düz Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:EB324
  • Detaylı Bilgi

2 A??zl? Küre Freze

  • Marka:WIDIN
  • Kod:BB302
  • Detaylı Bilgi
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